By the time you read this there will have ben a lot of changes!

Changes: Things you will not know that happened: I moved my web pages to a new hosting company. If you are reading this you are viewing my pages where they are stored in Dallas. I switched to get many more options and freebies. I will be able to post shareware for people to download and images also. I will also have the abilites to manipulate my e-mails to do different things. Just look through my pages for stuff you have not seen and try them. As a programmer I have learned many new "things". All of the rollovers and sliced images are done by me. They add a lot more depth to my pages along with simplicity on the main pages. Plus, I can program in CSS which makes web pages look good onm the PC also.

In addition to having more gimicks, I have more storage space than 100 websites need. So if you would like a place to express your views I will give you a page (if I I like you).

I have a Macintosh G4 now and boy oh boy is it fast. No time to even get a drink while it works, it just goes real fast. Of course you can tell by my views of computers that I prefer them

My views of computers:

Most people own PC's, I own both a PC and a Macintosh. What is a PC - a personal computer. Why is a Mac not a PC, well if you gotta ask you don't know. My PC is a laptop, I have it because it was priced good and I needed portabilty to do my genealogical research. Wjy the do not update Family Tree Maker for the Mac I have no clue. Just so you know the Mac has gained greatly in the market share. The IMAC and IBook are the top 2 sellers of computers in most of the world. The IMAC has been as high as 50% of computers sold in several months. Way to go APPLE!! How do you know what you got. If you gotta ask you aint gotta Mac.

Stupid Things I think about:

New!!! Why is it when people see a set of bunk beds they say "Dont you worry about falling off if you are on the top bunk" My answer "well you should be if you have a problem falling out of bed." What do the think the higher up you are the batter chance of gravity pulling you off!!

Why do people say:

I don't know how to say this. Say it, get to the point and just say it!

Why when people walk up to me and say "You know What?"

And when I say "Yes, I do" they just keep talking, don't they listen to what I just said! That should just shut them up. Same as when they say how are you today and you answer "crappy" And they just reply back, That's nice. I spoze it is just because some people are programmed to answer their questions the way the see fit, no matter what your response.

What if the world ceased to exist as we know it today??

Good question, would you be ready to live in the days of the Mountain Man. Am I, if you wanna know, just ask.

Why are there so many songs about rainbows?

Cuz they give us hope of a new tomorrow. They are something we see but can't touch. Strictly an illusion seen by many, but touched by none.

Does Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster and those things exist?

Yes, at least in my hopes they do.

What about intelligent life on other planets?

As Calvin once said, "One sure sign that they do is that they have not tried to contact us" After all, our planet is pretty messed up most of the times.

Why do so many people have children and then they get mad because they interfere with their plans? Shees man, if you are old enough to have them be old enough to understand that they are not going anywhere for a long time!

Is it really being involved with your kids if you drop them off at one of their events and then you go shopping or something until it is time to pick them up?

Why is it in a group or organization people are always ready to complain and whine but never ready to give a little extra time to help fix the problems??

Do squirrels ever fall out of trees??

Yes they do, I saw it happen one day out in the timber, of course the squirrel was embarrassed about it.

Why are there so many UNK words and why are they not used more often??

Thunk, stunk, drunk, lunk, flunk, shrunk, chunk, clunk, bunk, sunk, monk (sounds like a unk word), skunk, dunk, trunk, junk, funk, shrunk, punk, slunk, spunk, hunk. I know you are thinking thunk? stunk? Yes - Think, Thank, Thunk or Stink, Stank, Stunk - just past or present ways to say it.

Did the owners of the worlds nudie magazines start the internet?

I mean like after all, no matter what you search for you always find a site that is dedicated to nudity. Or is it those extra smart people who are supposed to have started it just that much into nudity. Hmmm, just one of those things we may never really know.

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it make any noise?



Things to remember:

Listen to the young, they have good ideals.

You are as young or old as you want to be.

A best friend is hard to find. So if you find one, don't take them for granted.

Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of life, we neglect our friends, and these little things that friendships entail. These things are precious, as are our friends. They are forever. Don't let them go. (courtesy of Whisper - take time to visit her page)

In closing, I would just like to add:

One thing that I have learned to regret is that I once said "If I wanted to see those people I would have kept contact with them over the years", I said this about my graduating class. Well I went to the tenth reunion and am now planning the twentieth. I have learned that what I used to say is not true. I am now very close friends with a few people who I did not even know in High School. Take the time and attend an event. You may be surprised that you may have a lot in common now that you are both older. Also never rely strictly on first impressions. I for one give a very bad first impression, I hate to shave and usually have a couple days whiskers or an unkempt beard. However I am actually a very caring decent person. Take time to know something about a person before you judge them.

Enough is enough said the The Great White North

jfv (full name not used because it could jeopardize my cover)